COVID-19 Workplace Solutions
We've developed a full turnkey solution to assist businesses during this unprecedented period. We can support businesses to return to normality as quickly as possible, whilst working inline with current HSE COVID-19 workplace guidelines to keep employees, clients and visitors safe with minimal disruption to the day to day running of the business, at minimal costs.

Here is a summary of how we can support your business:
Step 1
From your initial enquiry, we will respond quickly to arrange an initial consultation either in person (whilst maintaining social distancing) or via conference call. The main purpose of the consultation will be to establish an overview of your current business structure including staff numbers, business nature, size of workplace etc.
Step 2
From the initial consultation, a free proposal will be provided to carry out a full survey of the workplace followed by a report detailing a proposed strategy along with a specific workplace risk assessment
Items we take into consideration
HR Procedures
Establish possible shift patterns, signing in/out methods, implementing alternative methods to reduce physical social contact etc
Proposals for increasing ventilation/extraction where possible
Furniture Layout
Modifications to existing furniture layout to accommodate social distancing
Dark Screens
Installation of dark screens around workstations
Welfare/Breakout Areas
Introducing additional temporary welfare/breakout areas where practically possible for assist with social distancing
Hand Washing/Sanitising Stations
Introducing additional temporary hand washing/sanitising stations where practically possible
Floor Marking
Implement one way systems and/or maintaining 2 meter distancing where possible
Introducing various types of signage from hand washing guidelines to social distancing procedures
Establish an appropriate cleaning programme focusing on regular sanitation of high usage touch areas i.e. door handles, lift call buttons, welfare areas, desks etc.
Contact our team today to discuss your COVID-19 Workplace Solution in more detail on
Step 3
Following the report we can provide a separate fee breakdown to provide all of the above items where relevant. As part of our full space plan design identifying all of our recommendations, for example, desk layout modifications, floor marking, signage, hand washing/sanitising stations welfare areas etc.

Step 4
We will work quickly, efficiently and professionally to minimise disruption to the business and staff. Once everything is in place we will maintain regular contact with updates on the latest workplace guidelines and provide continued support to ensure the workplace modifications work for the business, staff and visitors as effectively and efficiently as possible.